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the benefits of sleeping on a silk pillowcase
the benefits of silk hair pillowcase

The 20 Benefits of Silk Pillowcases: Why are they essential?

Transformez votre routine de beauté nocturne en un véritable soin de 8 heures grâce à la taie d’oreiller en soie. Contrairement aux taies en coton, la soie apporte des avantages exceptionnels pour votre peau et vos cheveux, confirmés et recommandés par les dermatologues et coiffeurs. Découvrez pourquoi adopter une taie d’oreiller en soie pourrait révolutionner vos nuits.


The secret of silk composition

Silk is made up of 18 essential amino acids and two main proteins: fibroin and sericin. These components offer an impressive range of benefits for skin and hair. Fibroin, sharing a structure similar to collagen and keratin, plays a crucial role in skin regeneration, complexion illumination and healing.

At the same time, sericin, rich in amino acids and antioxidants, provides anti-aging benefits, boosts hydration and promotes collagen production. Together, these components make silk an invaluable ally in maintaining skin's youth and vitality, while offering incomparable softness and shine to hair.

1. The benefits of a silk pillowcase for the skin

Silk pillowcase Natural remedy for rosacea and facial redness
Avant/Après de la peau de la Fondatrice de Gaïanne après utilisation d'une taie d'oreiller en soie

Maximum Hydration

Contrairement au coton, la soie est hydrophobe et aide à maintenir l’hydratation naturelle de la peau en évitant l’absorption excessive d’eau. Ce maintien de l’hydratation est crucial pour une peau souple et jeune. L’alanine et la sérine, acides aminés trouvés dans la soie, jouent un rôle clé dans ce processus en améliorant et protégeant l’hydratation cutanée. De plus, la soie nabsorbe pas les crèmes appliquées sur la peau avant le coucher, permettant ainsi aux produits de soin de nuit de rester efficaces toute la nuit, contrairement aux taies en coton qui peuvent absorber ces produits bénéfiques.

Regenerating and anti-aging properties

The silk pillowcase is rich in fibroin, a protein that shares structural similarities with collagen and keratin, two components vital to skin health. By sleeping on silk, you promote skin regeneration, complexion illumination and healing. What's more, serine and glycine, two amino acids found in silk, help smooth wrinkles and stimulate collagen production, offering remarkable anti-aging effects.

Preventing the first signs of aging

Dès l’âge de 25 ans, le renouvellement cellulaire commence à ralentir. Dormir sur de la literie en soie peut aider à limiter les premiers signes de vieillissement, grâce aux protéines de soie essentielles pour la production de collagène.

Say goodbye to sleep wrinkles caused by rubbing cotton pillowcases, thanks to the incomparable softness of silk pillowcases.

Soothes sensitive skin

Silk pillowcases are highly recommended for those suffering from conditions such as rosacea,eczema or psoriasis. Their hypoallergenic nature and the softness of silk satin minimize rubbing against the skin, significantly reducing irritation and redness.

Choisir une taie d’oreiller 100% soie fabriquées en France garantit non seulement une qualité supérieure mais aussi une traçabilité rassurante, offrant une solution sans résidus chimiques.

Natural treatment for blemished skin

Pour les personnes aux peaux grasses ou sujettes aux imperfections, les taies en soie offrent un environnement moins propice à la prolifération bactérienne. Leurs propriétés antibactériennes aident à purifier la peau en limitant les éruptions d’acné et en contrôlant l’excès de sébum. L’utilisation régulière d’une taie en soie peut donc jouer un rôle clé dans le maintien d’une peau claire et saine, en faisant un allié précieux dans la lutte contre les imperfections cutanées

2. The benefits of silk pillowcases for hair

bienfaits pour les cheveux taie d'oreiller en soie

Preserves hair moisture

The silk pillowcase preserves hair'snatural moisture content, essential for maintaining optimal health. Unlike cotton, silk doesn't absorb moisture from your hair, preventing it from becoming dry and brittle.

Gives strength and shine

Working in synergy with your hair's natural keratin, silk proteins deeply nourish, strengthen and add incomparable shine. Amino acids such as Alanine intensify this shine, making the silk pillowcase an ideal choice for dull, sensitized hair.

Anti-Hair Loss and Hair Growth

By reducing friction, the silk pillowcase minimizes hair breakage and stimulates hair growth. Amino acids like Glycine and Threonine strengthen hair from root to tip, while Tyrosine acts as a lethal weapon against breakage and hair loss.

Protection for curly and frizzy hair

Pour ceux qui ont des cheveux bouclés ou crépus, la taie d’oreiller en satin de soie est un accessoire indispensable. Elle maintient la structure du cheveu et protège vos boucles durant la nuit. Le satin de soie, plus doux que le coton, ne frotte pas les écailles du cheveu, préservant son hydratation et évitant ainsi les frisottis. 

The result? You wake up with curls that are moisturized, more defined and incredibly easy to style.

3. Silk's impact on sleep

bienfaits taie d'oreiller en soie sur le sommeil

Improved Sleep and Thermoregulation

The silk pillowcase offers exceptional comfort and plays a crucial role in improving the quality of your sleep. Thanks to its ability to naturally regulate temperature, it ensures ideal thermal comfort, contributing to more restful sleep and better overall health.

Faster sleep

The comfort offered by silk helps you fall asleep faster. Silk's softness and lightness create an ideal sleeping environment that helps you relax and fall asleep without the irritation or physical discomfort often caused by less suitable materials.

Restorative sleep

By optimizing thermal comfort and minimizing sleep interruptions, silk promotes restful sleep. Users of silk pillowcases often report a significant improvement in the quality of their sleep, waking up more invigorated and ready to face the day. Silk pillowcases are an excellent alternative to dietary supplements.

4. Utilisation d'une Taie d'Oreiller en Soie contre les Allergies et Sensibilités

Hypoallergenic and anti-mite

Thanks to its natural hypoallergenic properties, silk creates an unfavorable environment for the proliferation of dust mites and other common allergens, such as mold.

Hypoallergenic and anti-mite

Silk, enriched with sericin, has antibacterial qualities that contribute to a healthier sleeping environment. For asthma sufferers, use a silk pillowcase can significantly reduce the risk of nocturnal allergies by creating an effective barrier against dust mites and molds, often responsible for asthma attacks.

5. The effects of silk on children and infants

bienfaits bébé dormir sur la soie peau cheveux

Recommended by Pediatricians for Babies

Thanks to its exceptional softness, the silk pillowcase reduces friction, limiting the loss of fragile hair and promoting regrowth in bald areas for infants. Its thermoregulating properties help maintain a comfortable body temperature, resulting in better sleep and fewer night-time awakenings. Hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin, silk is perfect for retaining natural oils and moisture in skin and hair, making babies' skin and hair glow with health. It is also effective in soothing eczema and protecting against dust mites, providing a healthy sleeping environment for babies with sensitive skin.


Before the age of 2, use the pillowcase as a flat sheet to place under your child's head.

For Children

From the age of 2, as children's hair begins to thicken, sleeping on a silk silk pillowcase continues to play a crucial role in promoting better hair health. Hair becomes stronger and shinier, benefiting from the nourishing properties of silk. Recommended by pediatricians for sensitive skin and children suffering from eczema and other allergies, silk offers unrivaled comfort thanks to its hypoallergenic and antibacterial qualities. These characteristics make silk an excellent choice for maintaining children's health and well-being as they grow.

6. Silk pillowcase for men

taie d'oreiller en soie bienfaits homme chute de cheveux

"The advantages of silk pillowcases are unisex".

Fight against baldness and hair loss

The silk pillowcase offers an effective solution to hair loss and baldness, thanks to its friction-reducing properties. This is particularly useful for men experiencing hair loss, as it helps minimize mechanical stress on the hair during sleep.

Ideal for post-hair transplant

After a hair transplant, it's crucial to minimize any friction that could affect the new follicles. Silk, by moisturizing and minimizing friction, is ideal for protecting transplanted hair. It effectively delays hair loss and helps maintain scalp hydration, promoting an optimal environment for hair healing and growth.

Soothes shaving irritation

The softness of silk is particularly beneficial in soothing skin irritations often caused by shaving. By reducing friction between skin and pillow, silk helps prevent redness and discomfort, allowing skin to recover and remain smooth and well cared for.


Silk's natural properties also help combat the signs of aging. By minimizing the friction that can pull on the skin and maintaining optimal hydration, the silk pillowcase helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, promoting younger, more resilient skin.

Pourquoi notre taie d'oreiller en soie est la meilleure sur le marché ?

Nos taies sont les seules fabriquées 100% en France avec de la Soie Lyonnaise, garantissant une qualité supérieure et une traçabilité sans faille. Sans résidus chimiques et avec une attention méticuleuse aux détails, nos taies d’oreiller offrent tous les bienfaits mentionnés ci-dessus, et bien plus encore.

From  The initial price was 110.00€.The current price is €89.00.

Que faut-il retenir ?

La soie est bien plus qu’une matière ; c’est votre nouvel allié beauté. Après avoir passé une nuit sur une de nos taies en soie, il devient difficile d’envisager de retourner à une taie classique en coton. Plus de 500 clients ont déjà fait l’expérience de cette transformation et partagent leurs témoignages enthousiastes. Lisez leurs avis et laissez-vous convaincre par leur satisfaction !

Une fois adoptée, vous ne voudrez plus voyager sans votre taie d’oreiller en soie. Et si vous vous inquiétez de l’entretien, ne vous laissez pas décourager : consultez notre guide d’entretien de la soie, qui vous montrera comment prendre soin de votre taie en moins de 5 minutes par semaine.

Vous voulez aller encore plus loin ? N’hésitez pas à adopter également notre masque de nuit en soie pour protéger vos yeux de la déshydratation, particulièrement utile en avion, ou encore notre chouchou en soie pour éviter la casse des cheveux.


The initial price was 191.00€.The current price is €150.00.

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Size guide

Not sure what size you need? Our size guide will help you.

All measurements are in cm.


Measure your chest circumference from the tips of your breasts.

Measure your waist circumference at the deepest point, without squeezing your stomach.

Measure your hips at the strongest point.


Size Chest size Waist size Hip size
34 76-80 60-64 86-90
36 80-84 64-68 90-94
38 84-88 68-72 94-98
40 88-92 72-76 98-102
42 92-96 76-80 102-106
44 96-100 80-86 106-110


Size Chest size Waistband Pond Tower
S 88-92 76-80 90-94
M 92-96 80-84 94-98
L 96-100 84-88 98-102

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